Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Human Induced Global Warming Skeptic: Present

After much pondering and reading I have arrived at the opinion that the global warming debate is indeed over. But not on the side of the alarmists. Man induced global warming from all I've read on both sides doesn't stand up to close inspection at all. Compare the volume of the atmosphere vs the emissions from human created systems. It's not even within our ability to effect on more than a very local level. Look at how much actual surface area of the planet humans occupy at any given moment. And how much of that area is producing emissions. The actual area turns out to be very small. As I've read on many sites, that great big fireball that lights each day has a much larger effect on the environment. And yes, I have read through the articles in support of the idea that humans are causing the warming. And after reading both sides I find the Global warming skeptics logic and evidence more than adequate to debunk the idea that humans are causing the problem. The purpose of this post is to state my current opinion on the matter. I'm not linking to any sites as you can search them and come to your own conclusions. While I always strive to keep an open mind on things, I believe this issue is closed unless someone comes up with some real science fact to back it up.

The idea of controlling emissions without evidence to back it up as an insurance policy is flawed in the extreme. If we don't understand how it works then the actions we take could make things worse, not better. Just pointless.