Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I still find critics of technology fascinating in their complete lack of understanding the situation. They spew doom and gloom of what horrible cataclysm some new technology will bring. While true, a certain degree of paranoia is healthy to prevent disasters, it does not mean we should not move forward. As I see it, any problem technology creates, it will eventually also solve. And in regards to the living things of this planet, mankind's quest for technology is the only chance of branching out from earth to other planets and solar systems. The purpose of this is that of perpetuating the race or species past whatever cataclysm might one day snuff out life on this rock.

Some say a deity of some nature will come take us away. If that's the case, fine, it means we are immortal in nature and all is good. This does not invalidate colonizing the galaxy to the best of our ability. As me and a religious friend of mine speculated, it's entirely possible that if mankind was indeed created by some grand being, that this being is out there waiting for us to find him. The idea that when we advance to that point, we will understand the universe well enough to join this being as friends and companions. And what if that's not the case and we are here by chance. Then the only possible way for mankind or any other animal of this planet to survive and reach a self created immortality is once again, technology. Therefore, philosophically speaking it just can't hurt to continue to advance technology.