Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Electric Universe

Just wanted to post about the idea of the electric universe. After reading through numerous articles on the subject it seems to hold up when exposed to examination. The basic premise of the electric universe is that instead of existing within an empty void the earth and our solar system exist in a sea of plasma. The plasma conducts electricity between objects creating magnetic fields and other phenomena. The most notable structure in electric universe theory are Birkeland currents. Electrical conduits in space that can stretch for many light years. This site does a much better job of describing the theories and ideas behind it.

Update 11/02/11: I've continued to read many articles from the group at Holoscience and strongly recommend visiting the site if you get time. The following are just some of the ideas they have done a good job of shooting big gaping holes in:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Human Induced Global Warming Skeptic: Present

After much pondering and reading I have arrived at the opinion that the global warming debate is indeed over. But not on the side of the alarmists. Man induced global warming from all I've read on both sides doesn't stand up to close inspection at all. Compare the volume of the atmosphere vs the emissions from human created systems. It's not even within our ability to effect on more than a very local level. Look at how much actual surface area of the planet humans occupy at any given moment. And how much of that area is producing emissions. The actual area turns out to be very small. As I've read on many sites, that great big fireball that lights each day has a much larger effect on the environment. And yes, I have read through the articles in support of the idea that humans are causing the warming. And after reading both sides I find the Global warming skeptics logic and evidence more than adequate to debunk the idea that humans are causing the problem. The purpose of this post is to state my current opinion on the matter. I'm not linking to any sites as you can search them and come to your own conclusions. While I always strive to keep an open mind on things, I believe this issue is closed unless someone comes up with some real science fact to back it up.

The idea of controlling emissions without evidence to back it up as an insurance policy is flawed in the extreme. If we don't understand how it works then the actions we take could make things worse, not better. Just pointless.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Industrialization of Space

I recently had a conversation on Apathy curve about industrializing space. It is my opinion that we need to start industrializing space in order to expand our horizons and fire our imaginations. A reader responded to my post by saying that it was not practical at this time to move forward with such things. While I can understand the view point I think it misses a number of key points.

If you start investing in space technology the technology will improve. It's not a question of whether or not technology will improve. It will. And it will improve in ways that make it more profitable. Why? Because the improvements will be driven by private enterprise. Many of the discoveries will be of use on earth as well.

The thought that it's too expensive was stated. This idea doesn't hold water. Some things would cost more to produce in space and some will cost less. What works and what doesn't will sort itself out like any new market. We won't know for sure until we start pushing in that direction. This site has a good talk about the subject.

I will add more to this post as I get time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I still find critics of technology fascinating in their complete lack of understanding the situation. They spew doom and gloom of what horrible cataclysm some new technology will bring. While true, a certain degree of paranoia is healthy to prevent disasters, it does not mean we should not move forward. As I see it, any problem technology creates, it will eventually also solve. And in regards to the living things of this planet, mankind's quest for technology is the only chance of branching out from earth to other planets and solar systems. The purpose of this is that of perpetuating the race or species past whatever cataclysm might one day snuff out life on this rock.

Some say a deity of some nature will come take us away. If that's the case, fine, it means we are immortal in nature and all is good. This does not invalidate colonizing the galaxy to the best of our ability. As me and a religious friend of mine speculated, it's entirely possible that if mankind was indeed created by some grand being, that this being is out there waiting for us to find him. The idea that when we advance to that point, we will understand the universe well enough to join this being as friends and companions. And what if that's not the case and we are here by chance. Then the only possible way for mankind or any other animal of this planet to survive and reach a self created immortality is once again, technology. Therefore, philosophically speaking it just can't hurt to continue to advance technology.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Time Version 1.0

The following is my opinion on concept of time.

Sci-Fi is full of time travel. In many TV shows, if you use a non-dairy creamer in a microwave and sneeze at the right time you create a time warp. Problem, for me anyway, is that I don't believe in time as an actual dimension. To me, time is simply the recording of events. Once an event happens, it's gone and can not be revisited. Going forward is just as silly, if something has not occurred then it hasn't. If researchers throw out time as a physical dimension how do things play out? I have no idea but somehow I don't think anyone else does either.

I do believe that the frequency in which events happen can change. This may be caused by moving at high speeds through a magnetic or gravitational field which could have an effect on activity of atoms at a subatomic level. Who knows, as far as I can tell the question has not been asked. And no, I haven't done any research on the matter. That's kind of what this blog is. A request for information to expand my knowledge in these areas.

Dark Doesn't Matter

Just a quick comment about the subject of "Dark Matter". Even if it's out there I really don't care. We haven't even gotten a colony setup on another planet yet. What possible difference can it make? How much time, money and effort has been put into figuring this out? How about focusing your efforts on technology that might one day get us to the stars with ease. It may not be possible but we're not going to know staring out at something we can't see.

Update: I have been reading up on Electric Universe theory. I now believe that the missing energy astrologers are trying to assign to dark matter is indeed Birkeland currents. Or electric currents flowing through a sea of plasma. More detail on this in my Electric Universe post.

Monday, June 4, 2007


As a point of reference philosophically speaking, the universe is infinite. I see no way it can't be. My opinion is that the big bang never happened. My logic is that the fact that there is existence means there has always been existence. This being based on the idea that you can't get something from nothing. The idea that the universe sprang out of nothing seems absurd to me.